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School Corridor

Classic Exchange Program

Experience Ireland's Classic Exchange Adventure

Experience the same high-quality HSI service at an affordable price with our Classic Exchange Program in Irish Public Schools. Ideal for location-flexible students, this program offers a chance to immerse in Irish culture, excel academically, and build lifelong connections—all at a lower cost.

Who it's For

EU/EEA students
English Level
Intermediate (B1) or higher
Academic Background
Average or better
3 terms +
12 to 18 years

Why Choose the Classic Exchange Program?

Students in Library in Irish School
  • Affordable Excellence: Experience top-notch education and cultural immersion at a lower cost.

  • School Selection: HSI selects the school, ensuring a diverse and enriching experience.

  • Quality Education: High teaching standards maintained across all participating schools.

  • Cultural Integration: Become a part of the local community and experience Irish life firsthand.

School & Tuition

School Selection: HSI will place you in a suitable school.

Tuition Fees: Standard fees included.

Registration: Placement and registration in an Irish public school.

Uniform & Textbooks: Essential academic supplies provided.

State Examinations: Participation in necessary exams (3rd & 6th Years).

Documentation: Support with study validation documents.


Support Services

HSI Advisor Assistance: Dedicated support throughout your stay.

Progress Reports: Monthly updates on your academic journey.

Local Orientation: Comprehensive orientation after arrival.

Emergency Contact: 24/7 emergency telephone support.

Transfers: First and final transfers, with assistance for additional transfers.

Homestay Accommodation

Comfortable Living: Single room in a welcoming family home.

Full Board: All meals included.

Study Space: Access to study facilities.

Warm Environment: Friendly and supportive host family.

Customise Your Experience

While you won’t choose your school, HSI ensures your placement aligns with your academic needs and personal interests.

Tell us about your goals and preferences, and our expert placement team will find the perfect school for you. Share your dreams with us, and we'll make them a reality.

Program Features

Cost-Effective: Our most affordable high school program without compromising on quality.

Community Engagement: Live and study within welcoming local communities.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Wide range of subjects offered.

Supportive Environment: Good student-to-teacher ratio ensures quality education.

Extracurricular Activities: Excellent programs in sports, music, and arts.


Cultural Exchange: Connect with local Irish students and experience diverse cultural backgrounds.

Personal Growth: Develop into a well-rounded individual with global perspectives.

Language Skills: Enhance your English fluency and learn to speak like a native.

Adaptability: Gain valuable experience adapting to new environments and challenges.

Life Skills: Build independence, resilience, and a global mindset through everyday experiences.

Discover Your Classic Exchange Experience

Step into the vibrant world of Ireland’s educational scene with our gallery of Classic Exchange schools. Explore the diverse and enriching environments where you'll study, make friends, and create lasting memories. See how our schools offer a perfect blend of academic excellence and cultural immersion.

Trusted by the Study Travel Industry

Secondary School Awards Winner
Boarding Schools Association
English Education Ireland
Association of Guardianship Providers Ireland
Accreditation and Coordination of English Language Services
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