Weekday routine at boarding school in Ireland
7:30 - 8:50
At the boarding house, we wake up at 7:30, but I usually don't get up until 7:40 when they return our phones. I get dressed, get ready, and by 8:20, I’m out the door for breakfast. It’s a quick meal because breakfast ends at 8:40 when collect starts. A typical breakfast at my boarding school in Ireland includes cereal, a sandwich, and a banana. It may be simple, but it gives me the energy I need to start the day.
8:50 - 10:50
During this time, I have my first three classes, as each class here lasts only 40 minutes. Usually, it’s a double class followed by a single one. Some of my subjects, like geography, history, maths, SPHE, and CSPE, are doubles. The time flies by with these short classes.
10:50 - 11:10
We get a 20-minute break, and most boarders head to the dining hall for a quick sandwich or coffee. This break is essential for me—it’s the perfect moment to recharge and get organised.
11:10 - 13:10
The next two hours are more lessons, usually my choice subjects. This is the time I start feeling a little tired, but I push through because the classes are interesting and I enjoy learning new things.
13:10 - 14:05
Lunchtime is a great break. Typical options include chicken pie or pork slices with potatoes and gravy—there are always potatoes! I eat with my friends at our table, which we’ve claimed as our own. I have friends from my base class and from other years in boarding, plus some amazing Irish friends like Ellen and Anna. My roommate and best friend, Alejandra, and I often rush to the lunch line to beat the crowd—it’s worth it to get in early before the line gets too long!
14:05 - 16:05
After lunch, all I want to do is take a nap, but the afternoon classes are actually some of the most fun! Fridays are the best with games and double PE after lunch—definitely a highlight of the week. Wednesdays are half-days, which I love because we get to go to Tesco with friends to stock up on snacks and essentials.
16:05 - 17:30
After school, I like to hit the gym, read, or on Thursdays, I go to rugby training. It’s a nice, relaxed time without anything too structured. Rugby is new for me—though I did a bit back in Mexico, this is my first time playing in an actual team.
17:30 - 18:30
Dinner is usually a quick affair. My friends and I eat and then head outside to hang out and have fun. My favourite meal in the dining hall is the spicy chicken fajitas—they’re different from what we have in Mexico, but still delicious!
On Mondays and Wednesdays, I have extra English classes, so we have to eat a little quicker to make it to our lessons at 6:15. A few friends from boarding school join me at "Love to Learn," where we always seem to arrive just a little late, but it's fun learning together.
18:30 - 20:00
From 6:30 to 8:00, we have supervised study. This is the time I focus on homework or preparing for upcoming exams. I always bring a book in case I finish early—it’s a nice way to unwind.
20:00 - 21:30
At 8:00, it’s tea time! We can head to the dining hall for biscuits, coffee, and most importantly, Irish tea. It’s a great reward after study time, and I always enjoy getting a little treat before we’re free to hang out until 9:30. My friends and I love playing games like hide and seek to keep ourselves entertained.
21:30 - 22:00
At 9:30, our phones are collected, and it’s time for our nightly routine—brushing teeth, removing makeup, and getting ready for bed. Lights out is at 10:00, and by then, we’re all pretty tired after a full day.
One weekend a month, we stay with our host families, which is always exciting. The other weekends are also fun at the boarding school. We get different food from the weekdays, and on Saturdays, we get to go into town from 2:00 to 4:00. Afterwards, there’s usually a fun activity like a movie night or, like this past weekend, a bingo game!
Sundays are more relaxed—I go to mass and then join in on whatever field trip is planned. It’s great to have so many activities because sometimes it can get a bit quiet staying on school grounds all weekend, but the trips make it really enjoyable.
