Wow, January has never gone by so fast! It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through February, and do you know what that means? The mid-term break is just around the corner! I have so many exciting plans for the break—I honestly can’t wait. My sister and her boyfriend are coming to visit for the first weekend, and then my friend from Norway is also coming over.
And the best part? I’m going to Italy to visit Nina, my friend who was here from the summer until Christmas. I’m so excited to see her again and to explore Italy!
But before I get too carried away with mid-term plans, let me tell you about what I’ve been up to in January—because it’s been quite a busy month.
Celebrating with Friends: Funderland Fun
The weekend after I got back from Norway, I went to Funderland to celebrate my friend’s 17th birthday. Funderland is an amusement park that pops up every year in Dublin for Christmas. I’m a huge fan of amusement parks, so I had a blast at Funderland!
Exploring Dublin: City Centre and Chester Beatty Museum
As always, I’ve spent a lot of time in Dublin’s city centre—I just love the atmosphere there, even though it’s hard to put into words. A few weeks ago, I went to the Chester Beatty Museum with some friends from school. The museum is really beautiful, and it’s free to visit!
I have to admit, though, that museums aren’t really my thing, so I started to get a bit bored after an hour. But if you’re into museums and have an interest in religion, the Chester Beatty Museum is definitely worth checking out.
Check out this cool statue in the garden outside the museum—I absolutely love this picture!
Back to School: Study Sessions and Starbucks
Of course, January also means going back to school after the Christmas holidays, which means homework and studying. Since I’m not a fan of studying alone, I’ve been going to Starbucks a lot to study with friends. There’s just something about meeting up, grabbing a warm coffee, chatting, and trying to get some studying done together. Sometimes we’re productive… and sometimes, not so much, but we do our best!
Dance Classes, Gym Sessions, and Keeping Resolutions
I’ve also been keeping up with my dance classes and gym sessions with my friend Lara. Gotta stay committed to those New Year’s resolutions!
Cozy Sleepovers and Trendy Breakfasts
I can’t wrap up this post without mentioning the sleepover I had with five of my friends two weeks ago. We made hot chocolate, watched a movie, and played Uno—it was such a cozy and relaxing night, even though we didn’t get much sleep!
The next morning, we all headed to the city centre to grab breakfast at a super cute and trendy café. It was the perfect way to start the day.
So that pretty much sums up my January here in Dublin. It was way more exciting than January back home in Norway would have been! I’ll be back with a new blog post before you know it.
Thanks for reading!
