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Carlotta's Final Blog from her Study Abroad Experience

Writer: Carlotta M. (Germany)Carlotta M. (Germany)

Updated: Aug 9, 2024

This is it. My last blog post.

It’s crazy to think that my year abroad is already coming to an end. I’m sure this year has changed me a lot, even though I don’t feel that different as of now.

But probably when I’m home my friends and family will see how much I have changed. I definitely had some difficulties during this year, especially in the beginning but it was all worth it.

The lows have made me stronger and made the highs even better.

Carlotta at Bristol suspension bridge, England

Reflecting on a Year Well Spent

In May and June, I travelled a lot.

In the beginning of May, I travelled to Dorchester, Weymouth and Reading. The International department also organised trips to the new Forest for an Afternoon Tea and to Thorpe Park, an amusement park. That was a lot of fun.

Adventures Across England

During half term I went to Windsor Castle, Bournemouth and Bristol. The week after, all the internationals went on a trip to Bath, one of the prettiest towns in England. The following week, I went to Exeter and London with friends. It was around 30 degrees so it was really exhausting but still a lot of fun.

A Magical Surprise

One of the highlights was definitely the visit to the Harry Potter Studios. My host sister had asked me literally two days before if I wanted to go with her. I immediately said yes and we booked the tickets in the evening. So on Thursday at noon, we took the train to London and went on a little adventure.

Football Fever Hits Hard

Now that the European Championship has started, the whole country is in football mood. I really wanted to experience a football match in a pub, so I watched Germany vs Hungary in a pub which was great.

Last week, the International department organised a prom as a goodbye. That was so much fun. We all dressed up and went to college where the main hall was completely decorated.

The Final Countdown

Now I am packing my suitcase and planning my last few days in Southampton. I have 6 more days and still want to do as much as I can. Then I will leave behind this dream life that I had for one year and go back to reality.

Even though Covid and lockdown made this whole year a little bit more complicated I would never want to change it. And I think that everyone who is thinking of doing a year abroad should definitely do it. Otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Carlotta and her English host sister

Carlotta and her class of 2020 at school in England

Carlotta at Buckingham Palace

Carlotta and her host sister at Harry Potter Studios, near London



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